Hindi Enrollment Form
The enrollment for the Hindi Class (August 2013 to May 2014) is now open. We will keep the enrollment open till end of July. Hindi class runs from August till May. There is $100.00 fee (donation) for the whole year, which is due on the first day of the class. The first day of class is Sunday, August 1(Time will be 11:15 to 12:15). You will be contacted by the coordinator of Hindi class in July. Enrollment would be considered first come first served basis. Please complete and submit the following form. The fee/donation can be sent via cheque in favour of HTCC. Click here for Hindi Class Guidelines.
Fields Marked * are required
Please enter following information
Name :* DOB :*
Parent Name : Spoken language :
Address :* City :*
State :* Zip/Pincode :*
Email Id :* Hindi Proficiency:*
Phone no:* Parent's Expectations :
   I understand and agree to Hindi Class code of conduct.
Security Key :
Please insert the security key from the image into the box below. This key is used to verify that this page is not accessed by any automated processes.
* Please review our privacy policy